9º Encontro Científico Internacional para Estudos sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais
9th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies
Castelo Branco, Portugal
v. 29/09/2020
CO2020OC: https://congressorganimusic.wixsite.com/co2020oc
23/09/2020 – 1/10/2020
Art Residence | ANIMUSIC – Project Erdissol
Activities and constructive discussions promoted at Quinta da Lira, for the recognition, conservation and development of cultural heritage. Quinta da Lira, the headquarters of ANIMUSIC, is an experimental ecological and bio-diversity setting in the middle of the forest, with a self-sustainable system.
The Art Residence Autumn-2020 has been offered to two musicians:
Peyman Kafshdoozha (Iran)
Mathieu Clavel (France)
Quinta da Lira, S. Vicente da Beira, Castelo Branco
18:00h [recital] Poetical archlute
Peyman Kafshdoozha (Iran), archilute / arquialaúde
Castelo Branco
18:00h [concert] Chiaroscuro
Peyman Kafshdoozha (Iran), archlute / arquialaúde
[Image from the Recital in Quinta da Lira, on the 23rd of September 2020.]

Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior, Castelo Branco
10:00h Registo e informação | Registration and information
Sessão I | Session 1
Coordenação | Chair: Carlos Semedo
10:30h Boas-vindas e informação| Welcome to participants and general information
11:15h Visit to the Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior
12:00h pausa para café | coffee break
12:20h [lecture-demonstration] On ‘animated tones’: akouphenomena in service of Music, with a focus on the dying art of the Indian tanpura tuning and maintenance
13:00h almoço | lunch
Sessão II | Session 2
Coordenação | Chair: Giulio Salvadori
14:30h Visual encounters with sound
Patrícia Lopes Bastos (Portugal)
15:00h The cauldron. Origins and cultural reproduction in the region of La Vera (Extremadura, Spain)
Martín Gómez-Ullate (España) & Pilar Barrios Manzano (España)
15:30h [lecture-recital] Alberto Gomes da Silva harpsichord Sonatas: The distinctive voice of the
mixed style in portuguese keyboard repertoires
João Paulo Janeiro (Portugal), harpsichord
16:10h pausa para café | coffee break
Sessão III | Session 3
Coordenação | Chair: Patrícia Lopes Bastos
16:30h [study roundtable] Encounters: organological terminology
18:00h [recital] Finding past music pearls
Mario Genesi (Italia), piano
19:30h Jantar-banquete | Dinner-banquet
ANIMUSIC headquarters, S. Vicente da Beira
Sessão IV | Session 4
Agustín Castilla-Ávila (España/Austria)
9:30h The arts in confinement
Antonia Soulez (France)
10:00h [online in loco visualization] The documentation and reconstruction of the instruments of Alfonso X: a unique collection
Jota Martínez (España)
10:40h pausa para café | coffee break
Sessão V | Session 5
11:00h Perceptual comparison of the pleasantness of low-register instruments
Noam Amir (Israel) & Ofer Dana (Israel) & Dana Gertz (Israel)
11:30h Music notation for the Bohlen-Pierce instruments
Christian Klinkenberg (Belgium)
12:00h [recital] trans-Art impromptu
Astrid Rieder (Austria) & Norbert Sprave (Austria)
13:00h almoço | lunch
Sessão VI | Session 6
Rima Povilioniene (Lithuania)
GirÄ—nas Povilionis (Lithuania)
15:00h [lecture-ex] The flageolet and recorder in late seventeenth-century England
Douglas MacMillan (UK) & Isobel Clarke (UK)
15:40h pausa para café | coffee break
Sessão VII | Session 7
16:00h Sound: perception, conception and value in the Pre-Hispanic Andes
Carlos Mansilla Vásquez (Peru)
Edgardo Civallero (Columbia)
17:00h [lecture-recital] The ‘flauta rociera’ (Andalusian tabor and pipe): constructive characteristics and
their influence in modality and tonality
Antonio Temprano (España)
17:40h pausa para café | coffee break
Sessão VIII | Session 8
18:00h [lecture-with video-recorded examples] Invitation to a unique musical journey through the Persian land (showing the various styles of Iranian music)
Mathieu Clavel (France)
19:00 [lecture-demonstration] Musical instruments as a showcase of cultural heritage interchange
Pilar Barrios Manzano (España) & Grupo de Investigación "Patrimonio musical, cultura y educación"
("Musical Heritage, Culture and Education" Research Group), Teacher Training College, University of Extremadura, Spain
ANIMUSIC headquarters, S. Vicente da Beira
Sessão IX | Session 9
09:30h Musical instruments from magical practices of pre-Christian origin of winter customs in Romania
Ovidiu Papana (Romania)
10:00h Material and geometric properties of Cymbals
Malte Münster ( Deutschland)
10:30h Soundscapes in the rural and urban environment: the role of bells in human lives
Helena Santana (Portugal) & Rosário Santana (Portugal)
11:00h [lecture-recital | Special Homage to Beethoven (1770-1827)] Miss. Ta. Ken. Beethoven
Zami Ravid (Israel)
12:00h almoço | lunch
Sessão X | Session 10
Lucas Wink (Portugal)
14:00h La virginale d’Henri Van Casteel, maillon manquant de l’histoire des ‘clavicordios’
Pascale Vandervellen (Belgium)
14:30h [lecture-recital] ‘Let´s go Super.’ The idea of a Super instrument in the context of contemporary piano repertoire
Hans-Peter Gasselseder (Austria/Denmark) & Maria Kallionpää (Finland/UK)
15:10h pausa para café | coffee break
Sessão XI | Session 11
15:30h ‘Talking’ trumpets in the African diaspora: the case of Suriname
Stewart Carter (USA)
Aruna Kharod (USA)
16:30h Reconstructing the pedal steel guitar: creative marginality, technology and
masculinity in musical instrument making
Daniel Neill (Canada)
17:30h Beberete | Cocktail
Encerramento do Congresso de Organologia 2020 | Closing of the Organological Congress 2020