9º Encontro Científico Internacional para o Estudo sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais
9th International Scientific Meeting for the Study of Sound and Musical Instruments
Congresso de Organologia | Organological Congress
environment and music in generations of sound creation
Castelo Branco, Portugal
02-04 | 10 | 2020

ANIMUSIC conferences on sound and music studies
Three days of engaging talks, demonstrations, workshops, recitals & visits
The year 2020 has shown various worrying disruptions, from which full analysis bring interesting social perspectives. We are conscious of the difficulties and limitations we face in the organisation of our Organological Congress - still, we go forward, thinking it is our duty to the community to keep a constructive and positive attitude.
After various months of problematic uncertainties, from flight arrangements to health fears, we have decided, armoured with courage, good will and plenty of good sense, that the Organological Congress shall happen in October of 2020, not postponing this important event. This conference will happen in a large place, with people that have no symptoms, respecting the international health policies. Eventually, online participation shall also be considered as a means to go on with our work the best possible way.
Every year both academia and independent research has been transmitted, namely archaeological findings and methodologies, museological exhibition standards, instrument conservation and restoration study cases and techniques, technological design and material examinations, problematics and solutions in musical instruments’ education, acoustic analysis, psychological and sociological aspects in performance, cultural surveys, sonic interface design, artistic interaction, mechanical and electronic engineering, to name a few fields that provide insights on years and years of human sound producing, inventiveness, improvement, exploration… In 2020 we are evoking ‘sound generation’ in its multi forms, both proud of the historical development of generations of inventors and makers, and of musicians whose art bring musical instruments to its highest potential, as well as curious of new paths yet to be unveiled.
ANIMUSIC is delighted to yearly promote an occasion to gather free thinkers and positive doers, in different places in Portugal, embracing science and art, a showcase of theoretical studies and practical output, integrating all areas related to Organology and the artful production of sound.

Theme CO2020OC
and our objectives
This interdisciplinary congress incorporates our principal objectives, joining the commemoration of the Year of Sound 2020 which aims to “stimulate the understanding throughout the world of the important role that sound plays in all aspects of our society” (ICA & al) in association with the current awareness of the strive for a balanced and healthy environment as a whole (including the preservation and safekeeping of natural materials, embracing also the International Year of Plant Health), and at the same time pays a tribute to the creators of sound tools and all those who seek utmost excellence in music.
We propose, to our guests, a post-congress visit to the project Erdissol at Quinta da Lira, the headquarters of ANIMUSIC, which includes a small museum, a specialised library, a lab and instrument workshop. We put in practice what we consciously understand as a "must be" and a necessary solution for the times of turmoil and mistreatment and abuse of natural resources : an agricultural property in the middle of a forest, having years of experimental and proved knowledge of self-sustainable environment creation, with a spectacular biodiversity, and ecologically-biologically certified.
Background image: landscape at Quinta da Lira, headquarters of ANIMUSIC, in the mountain. The upper image, in the introduction page, is also from the Quinta da Lira: it is a measure-made unique design of a 'lira' and an infinite music staff, an iron work installed at the balcony of the old house of the Quinta da Lira (design, building concept and images by P. L. Bastos).
Call for Papers
priority deadline (private call): 1st July
general deadline: 15th September

Image from: Come se ha d'accordare il lauto
Strambi, 16th-cent, @Museo della Musica, Bologna
(photo by P. Bastos)
We welcome proposals for:
individual papers (15 or 20 minutes + 5 minutes discussion);
panels (60 minutes);
lecture-recitals (30 or 45 minutes);
concerts (60 minutes)
workshops (~60 minutes, flexible);
materials for exhibition: instruments, posters, designs, books/recordings
other charming suggestions...
Presentations may be in English, Portuguese, French, Italian or Spanish,
provided the PowerPoint is in English, the common language for all.
Please submit a short biography (100 words) along with your proposal/s (200-300 words).
Contact for proposals and information:
A broad range of subjects are discussed in our congresses, with the year’s general theme serving as a binding structure for the various sessions. Papers, demonstrations, workshops or posters on any issue that pertains to Organology and sound studies are most welcome, and we may indicate some examples of possible matters, not being limited to any:
importance of awareness for the preservation of historic evidence
social expectations regarding thematic performance – real or make belief ‘authenticity’
sacred or vernacular practices
proportion and perspective in iconographic representation in different epochs
enjoyment and consumption
market offer and public demand
cultural awareness and erudition
public generational behaviour in sound related exhibitions
comparison between rural and urban music/instruments development
traditional loyalty or modern surge in design
expert versus generalist organologist, and the need for both
qualified professionalism in organology and multi-disciplinarity
identity and regional border crossing
miscellaneous and monothematic collecting
And as per the main theme 'Sound generation: environment and music in generations of sound creation':
generations of families of builders – imitation and innovation
musical practice passed on orally
family or guild secrets
generating sound: acoustic and electronic developments
healthy planet through long term planning: controlled usage of wood and alternative procedures in instrument construction and restoration
psychological analysis of music practice along generations
generating artistic confluence
Sponsors | Apoio

Given our extraordinary endless horizon of artistic and scientific actions, we are very fortunate to be able to encourage practical demonstrations. Therefore, we are indeed honoured and thankful to the generous offers of workshops, recitals, concerts and impromptus by the great scientists and artists who have so much contributed to the spectacular involvement that sprouts naturally at our “always unique” meetings.
ANIMUSIC gratefully acknowledges the CO2020OC gracious collaborators and sponsors, in particular to the Câmara Municipal de Castelo Branco (Municipality of the city of Castelo Branco) and the Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior (Direcção-Geral do Património Cultural, Portuguese Republic), for all the extensive and generous support as hosts, and the local providers for their special offers, besides all our partners and individual assistants, and most especially the generous financial contribution from Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori, a help that, without which, this conference would hardly be happening. Furthermore, Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori has been offering two 'Student' Grants, and one 'Unknown Culture' Grant to encourage academic works on musical instruments, and ANIMUSIC has been offering two "Friends of ANIMUSIC" grants, for those who have intensely contributed along the years to the success of these congresses, being fully dedicated, all their lives, to the communication of the cultural and scientific importance of musical instruments.​
‘Student’: if you are a student.
‘Friends of ANIMUSIC’: if you have been to at least two Organological Congresses, and will bring a relevant contribution, like instruments for the museum, or offer a concert, for instance.
‘Unknown Culture’: offered to a precious contribution about a culture that is clearly less generally known.​
To discuss or arrange sponsorship, exhibits, or advertising, please contact the Conference Manager,
Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori: <animusic@animusic.eu>

We are very much looking for contributions to add to our museum. You are most welcome to visit our small museum at Quinta da Lira (ANIMUSIC’s headquarters); if you so wish, please contact us (animusic@animusic.eu). If you are coming in October for the Congress, for instance, would you be able to bring an instrument, second hand, which could be exhibited in the congress, and also be included in the museum we are creating? We very much look forward to have instruments from other regions, so your contribution is highly appreciated – we pay for the musical instruments (if not a generous gift from you), within a reasonable price, but in that case we definitely need to know your price in advance. It can be “non playable”, but playable would be better, because the idea of the museum is to have the instruments being shown, as objects, and to exemplify, with the sound, whenever possible. The Erdissol project and Museum, which is free of charge (previous reservation is needed), brings to the general public the necessary awareness about the importance and need to acknowledge the rich human and natural heritage in order to better preserve it.
Background image: Iberian organ at Clérigos church in Porto, visited during CO2017OC
(with the generous permission from the Foundation and the kind guidance by the
official organist, Prof Rui Soares; photo by P. Bastos)
Past Events


Quinta da Lira, roses in May
RSVP for our next event. See you soon!

Castelo Branco is easily reachable by car from Porto or from Lisboa airports, heading to the A23 highway. There is also public transportation, trains and buses.
There are many types of possible accommodation. You may check the various search engines and also Airbnb. If you go by car, you may stay in one of the nice country houses or rural tourism in the surrounding area of Castelo Branco; the roads are very calm (no traffic jams in this city), and it takes usually 15 to 20 minutes to get anywhere in CB. If you go by public transportation, the closest you are to the cathedral or historical centre, the better.
​Schedules and more information​
Note: If you have special needs, please contact us so that we try to find a solution. We work the best we can to help your experience be perfect and unique.
You may use Porto's or Lisboa's international airports. For updated details on bus or train travel, please check the official websites cited below. Here you find some helpful information:
From Porto, it is probably better to rent a car, the rates, especially when booking from abroad, are quite low (you can have a car for 10€ a day or similar) and it's basically all highway till Castelo Branco (if avoiding crossing Porto, you have: A4-A24-A25-A23; or crossing Porto: A29 or A1-A25-A23); the roads are very comfortable.
From Lisboa it might be easier just to take the train, at a very affordable rate. It is also possible to take a bus, or to rent a car (A1-A23, it is all highway from the airport).
Train: from the airport you may take a taxi (5 to 8€) or the metropolitan, to the Oriente station, which is near the River Tejo (beautiful place to visit if you have time, where the famous Oceanario is located, plus other interesting sites). There, you go up the stairs or lift, buy if needed your tickets at the tickets counter or machines, and before going to the upper platform you check the line for Castelo Branco, usually trains are in time. If you pay online with anticipation (5, 8 or more days), you can even have a discount of up to 65%, and if you are senior (above 65 y.o.), it's always 50%. The regular ticket to Castelo Branco, in the direct speed train (called 'Inter-Cidades' or IC), costs (as per March, without discount): 15,25€. From the main train station you may walk or take a taxi to your hotel.
Bus: from the airport you may take a taxi (8€ to 10€) or the metropolitan, to the Sete-Rios station, which is a large transportation area. There you check the bus to Castelo Branco.