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        Portugal: 28-31/10/2016

       Italia: 3-13/11/2016




          [ v. 25/10/2016 ]


PORTUGAL - central region
Tomar | Abrantes | Constância



[Clicar pf nos títulos e nomes para obter os resumos e as notas biográficas |for the abstracts and biographical notes, please click on the titles and names.]



Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library

Salão de Exposição | Exhibition Hall

14:00h-18:00h ENCONTROIM

Registo e informação | Registration and information

Montagem da exposição | Exhibition setting



Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library

Auditorium-Entrada | Auditorium Hall

09:00h  Registo e informação | Registration and information


Sessão I | Session 1

Coordenação | Chair: Patricia Bastos

09:20h  Introdução e boas-vindas | Welcome to participants

09:30h  Copies ‘versus’ Original

Stewart Pollens (USA)

09:50h  The challenges of ‘time’ in the mechanics of the carillon LVSITANVS [by the author]

Alberto Elias (Portugal)

10:10h  The Pyrophone, or gas-organ by Georges Kastner (1852-1882)

Pierre Barbary (France)

10:30h  [lecture-demonstration] Historical Native American flutes

Richard Wilson (USA)

11:00h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão II | Session 2

Coordenação | Chair: Peter Holmes

11:30h  Questioning the use of handcrafted replicas in archaeological bone flute's research: experimentations and simulations

Etienne Safa (France)

11:50h  Kokyū and Viol-Examination of the origin of bowed string instruments in Japan at the beginning of the 17th Century

Yukimi Kambe (Nippon)

12:10h  The Tomar Castle Organ Pipe – A new proposal concerning its origin and use

Wes Jordan (Australia)

12:30h  [lecture-recital] Vessel Flutes rediscovered and redesigned for the 21st Century

David & Christa Liggins (UK)


Almoço ligeiro | Smart Lunch

Templar's Castle

13:30h  Partida da Biblioteca | Departure from the Library [transporte cedido generosamente pela Câmara Municipal de Tomar | transportation generously provided by the Municipality of Tomar]

Castelo dos Templários/Convento de Cristo UNESCO World Heritage Monument

Sessão III | Session 3

Coordenação | Chair: Ulrich Halder

14:15h  Reconstruction of the roscrea/lynn cerrig bach trumpas

Simon O'Dwyer (Ireland)

14:35h  [lecture-recital] Sarangi - The sound of hundred colors: Ram Narayan’s Sapaat Taan

Deepak Paramashivan ( India / Canada)

15:10h  Momentos Musicais no Convento | Musical Moments in different locations of the Monument:

flautas históricas e regionais, ocarinas, trompas da idade do bronze da Irlanda, gembard, tilinca e caval da Roménia e outros instrumentos | historical and regional flutes, ocarinas, Bronze Age horns from Ireland, gembard, tilinca and caval from Romania and other instruments

O tubo dos Templários | the Templar's signaling tube:

visita ao mais longo (c. 10 metros) e antigo tubo sonoro do mundo que se conhece, dos Templários, provavelmente anterior ao posicionamento na charola documentado no séc. XVI (vide comunicação de Wes Jordan) | special visit to the world's oldest longest (10 metres) duct-tube that is known, from the Templars, probably made prior to the documented references (16th-century)  of its placement in the unique chapel 'charola' (see lecture by Wes Jordan)

16:30h  Regresso à Biblioteca | Return to the Library

Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library

Salão de Exposição | Exhibition Hall


Cocktail de boas-vindas [oferta do Sr Dr Eng. Giulio Salvadori; degustação de doçaria regional oferecida pela Câmara Municipal de Tomar] | Welcome cocktail [offered by Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori; regional sweets tasting offered by the Municipality of Tomar]


Exhibition Hall

Sessão IV | Session 4

Coordenação | Chair: Luís Vale

17:30h  [lecture-demonstration] The dulcimer and Japan

Yoko Aoki (Nippon)

18:00h Portuguese’ mandolins – a curiosity of mandolin marketing

Graham McDonald (Australia)

18:30h  The early drum kit

Paul Archibald (UK)

19:00h  [lecture-demonstration] History of the Drumset

Eric Sauda (France)

19:30h  Jantar em grupo (opcional) | Group dinner with traditional Portuguese food (optional)

Igreja da Misericórdia de Tomar

21:00h  [concert] Music for times and challenges



Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library


Sessão V | Session 5

Coordenação | Chair: Arnold Myers

09:00h  From Antonio II Monzino to Luigi Tarisio: dealers of antique bow instruments in Milan during the first half of the 19th Century

Alessandro Restelli (Italia)

09:20h  Instruments of Time and Tune: Phrenology, Physiognomy, and Musicians

Meagan Mason (USA)

09:40h  The contribution of archaeoacoustics and prehistoric art for understanding the origins of music

Fernando Coimbra (Portugal)

10:00h  Russian horns in history and modern time

Angelina Alpatova & Vladimir Lisovoi (Russia)

10:30h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão VI | Session 6

Coordenação | Chair: Michael Lynn

11:00h  [blind sound-test with public participation] New technologies and new materials: 3D printing of musical instruments

11:40h  Additive manufacturing, composites and polymers for the production of wind instruments. Materials’ sound differences.

Giulio Salvadori (Italia)


12:00h  Partida da Biblioteca | Departure from the Library [transporte cedido generosamente pela Câmara Municipal de Abrantes | transportation generously provided by the Municipality of Abrantes]

Castle of Abrantes: Museum

13:00h  Visita à exposição do museu | Visit to the museum’s exhibition

Almoço ligeiro | Smart Lunch



Sessão VII | Session 7

Coordenação | Chair: Yukimi Kambe

13:30h  Bow length and the concept of cantabile: Italian influence on 17th and 18th Centuries English violin playing

Marcus Held (Brasil)

13:50h  Technology at the service of organology: problems in the conservation and restauration of a rare harpsichord from a collection in Bologna

Maria Elena Ceccarelli (Italia)

14:10h  The ‘Romero’ saxophone and other duplication systems for palm keys

Bruno Kampmann (France)

14:30h  [lecture-demonstration] The technique of guitar multiphonics

Rita Torres (Portugal)

15:00h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão VIII | Session 8

Flute Focus

Coordenação | Chair: Jörg Fiedler

15:30h  The Introduction of the Boehm Flute in France – An important newly discovered instrument

Michael Lynn (USA)

15:50h  The reconstruction of a baroque bass flute by Thomas Lot

Boaz Berney (Canada)

16:10h  Semi-traverse whistles of Moldova (Romania)

Ovidiu Papana (România)

16:30h  Chamber music from Rodil, Pla and Avondano: the flute in the 2nd half of the 18th Century and the Iberian gallant style

Alexandre Andrade (Portugal)

16:50h  1er Vendémiaire an 12 – A practice-based study of Devienne and Hugot's sonatas

Joanna Marsden (Canada)

17:10h  [recital] Flute challenges


Igreja de S. Vicente

18:00h  [recital] Solo organ works, from time into time

[ historical organ dated 1791 ]

Jean Louchet (France), organ

Mercado Criativo

18:40h  Visita à ‘ Feira Nacional de Doçaria Tradicional ’ | Visit to a special Fair with the typical Portuguese sweet gastronomy – entertainment

19:20h  Partida para Tomar | Departure to Tomar [transporte cedido generosamente pela Câmara Municipal de Abrantes | transportation generously provided by the Municipality of Abrantes]


Medieval restaurant

20:30h  Jantar-banquete à luz de velas | A very unique Banquet-dinner with Portuguese traditional food - back in Medieval times, with the challenge of flavours and candle light...



Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library


Sessão IX | Session 9

Coordenação | Chair: Douglas MacMillan

09:00h  Longevity of Brasswind Models

Arnold Myers (UK)

09:20h  Kurtuvėnai Baroque Organ Stop Vox Humana, 1792–3: An authentic heritage example of Vilnius School of late baroque organ building

Girenas Poviliónis (Lietuva)

09:40h  The Erard patents over times and challenges

Jean Louchet (France) & Jean-François Tobias (France)

10:00h  [lecture-demonstration] The Irish Flute: a recent development in the evolution of the simple system flute

Colin Hamilton (Ireland)
10:30h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão X | Session 10

Coordenação | Chair: Nick Bailey

11:00h  "I want two" - The historical carillons of Mafra: times and challenges

Ana Elias (Portugal)

11:20h  Acoustic-musical features of a sound released by a violin

Ovidiu Papana (România)

11:40h  The maze of the comma in the 18th century

Jörg Fiedler (Deutschland / Confoederatio Helvetica)

12:00h  [lecture-demonstration] The ongoing challenge of a flute maker: the relationship of copies to originals

Jan de Winne (Belgie)


Almoço ligeiro | Smart Lunch


Sessão XI | Session 11

Coordenação | Chair: Jean Louchet

13:30h  Conservation of traditions in the musical instrument making in the German Vogtland region (Saxony)

Monika Lustig (Deutschland)

13:50h  One note at a time: Software for automatic frequency and note onset time detection

Keziah Milligan & Nicholas J. Bailey (UK)

14:10h  Rediscovering a lost repertory: the music written for the keyed trumpet during the late 18th and early 19th Centuries

Robert Warren Apple (USA)

14:30h  [round-table] Challenges of originals versus copies: the case of the Palanca flute [with presential comparison of the objects]

Boaz Berney & Jan de Winne & Michael Lynn

15:00h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão XII | Session 12

Flute Focus

Coordenação | Chair: Richard Wilson

15:30h  Abelardo Albisi: flute virtuoso, inventor, composer

Francesco Carreras (Italia)

15:50h  ‘Flautas, pífanos y zabevas’ at the inventory of the ‘Casa de los Mendoza’

Ana Lopez Suero (España)

16:10h  Octave Flutes in European Art Music of the long Eighteenth Century

Douglas MacMillan (UK)

16:30h  [lecture-demonstration] The Piccolo Flute – A plea for a neglected species

Ulrich Halder (Confoederatio Helvetica)

17:00h  [recital] Flute times

17:45h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão XIII | Session 13

Coordenação | Chair: Giulio Salvadori

18:00h  The Harp and the performance practice in the Bolognese tradition of the 17th Century

Annarosa Vannoni (Italia)

18:20h  Brass performance schools in Bronze and Iron Age Europe

Peter Holmes (UK)

18:40h  Challenges of Time: subjectivity and objectivity in Organology

Patricia Lopes Bastos (Portugal)

19:00h  ['brain-storm', or 'thoughts-platform' with public participation] Organological Times and Challenges

20:00h  Jantar [livre] | Dinner [at leisure]



[Para toda esta viagem o transporte é cedido generosamente pela Câmara Municipal de Constância.| For the whole trip, transportation is generously provided by the Municipality of Constância.]

09:30h  Partida de Tomar (a confirmar local de encontro) | Departure from Tomar (meeting place to be confirmed)

10:00h  Passagem breve pela Barragem de Castelo de Bode | Short visit to Castelo de Bode's lake and region landscape, on the way to Constância


Igreja Matriz

10:30h  Visita à Igreja Matriz de Constância e órgão| Visit to the Igreja Matriz and its historical organ

[recital] Works from past-time

Ana Elias, organ

[Órgão de | organ by: António Xavier Machado e Cerveira (n. 101), Portugal, 1827]

11:15h  Partida para o Parque de Santa Margarida e visita ao Borboletário | departure to the Margarida Park and the Tropical Butterfly Farm

Parque Ambiental de Santa Margarida

11:40h  coffee-break / degustação de pastelaria local oferecida pela Câmara Municipal de Constância | local pastries generously offered by the Municipality of Constância

​Sessão XIV | Session 14

Sessão de vídeo | Video Session

[video documentary]  Introduction to Constância and the region

Câmara Municipal de Constância

[paper & recorded performance]  About ethnic orientations in the works of the composers from Donbass

Olena Ushchapivska (Ukraina)

[video documentary]  The voice of the kora

Claudine Pommier (France / Canada)

[paper in absentia and poster]  The myth of the legendary phonoinstrument 'tabyk' in the traditional and modern musical culture of Sakha

Varvara Dyakonova (Russia)

​12:40h - Partida para o centro de Constância

Horto - centre garden of Constância, between the two rivers

13:00h  [concert] LVSITANVS CARILLON

Ana Elias, carillon

13:45h  Almoço no restaurante panorâmico de Entre-os-rios | Lunch at the panoramic restaurant facing the park and the two rivers

15:00h  Partida para o Castelo de Almourol


15:15h  Breve panorâmica do Castelo de Almourol | View of the Castle, unique in the world, a fortress built on a small island in the middle of river Tejo

15:20h  Partida para Torres Novas


15:50h  Breve panorâmica do Castelo de Torres Novas | View of the ancient Castle fortress

16:00h  Partida para Tomar


Instituto Politécnico de Tomar

16:30h  Observação do pianoforte de Mathias Bostem (Lisboa, 1777, mecânica de Cristofori) pertencente ao Museu Carlos Reis de Torres Novas [com permissão do Museu/CMTT e IPT] | Visit to the rare Cristofori’s action pianoforte by Mathias Bostem (Lisboa, 1777), presently at the Instituto Politecnico of Tomar, which belongs to the Museu Carlos Reis, in Torres Novas [with the permission from both the Museum/CMTN and the IPT]


Biblioteca Municipal de Tomar | Library

17:30h  Beberete de despedida oferecido pela ANIMUSIC – conclusão do 5º Congresso de Organologia em Portugal | Farewell cocktail offered by ANIMUSIC - closing of the 5th Organological Congress in Portugal


1/11/2016 Departure to Italia - see below the very special program of the Post-Conference Tour.

NOTICE: Participants must register for the conference and pay the appropriate conference Registration Fee. As a common procedure abiding to public law, participants grant the organization/ANIMUSIC the right to photograph, as well as to record their conference presentations, demonstrations or performances for archival documentation.


Glimpses from the Organological Congress 2015, at Igreja da Misericordia, Tavira, Algarve








Ergon guitar_play

Ergon guitar_play



AncientMusicIreland horns break-d

AncientMusicIreland horns break-d









3-13 November 2016


ANIMUSIC's Managing Director Dr. Ing. Giulio Salvadori has organized a post-congress special-tour in Italy, with full days of visits to special collections, lectures, demonstrations, recitals and surprise gourmet lunches and dinners (an advocate of the finest eno-gastronomic culture too, being a wine and water sommelier and a fantastic cook himself, participates 'with pleasure' in a few Italian gastronomic societies). There is a limit number of participants and a registration fee of 50€ (meals and transportation not included). For those who plan to go to Italy after the Organological Congress, please contact Dr. Ing Salvadori by email: animusic[at]



Nov 3 evening : arrival at Pisa - planned group dinner.

Nov 4: morning visit to Dr. Francesco Carreras exceptional collection of Italian flutes. Late in the morning departure to Firenze, to visit the Galleria dell’Accademia – Dipartimento Strumenti Musicali. Arrival at Bologna in the evening (1 hr from Firenze).

Nov 5: Vineyard and gastronomic relax. Visit to Prof. Gianni Lazzari's collection in Bologna.

Nov 6: 10h-12h Museo della Musica di Bologna with an English speaking guide; 12:30h San Petronio's Church Organ with Prof. Liuwe Tamminga. Light lunch. San Colombano – Collezione Tagliavini museum visit. 18h Concert (flute and basso continuo).

Nov 7: 11h-13h University of Bologna D.A.R (Musical Department): Dr Patricia Bastos lecture on Organology and Prof. Michael Lynn's Lecture-Recital on Historical Flutes. Light lunch. 15h-16h Bologna Conservatory of Music G.B.Martini.   16h-18h Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna.

Nov 8: in the afternoon at 16h guided visit to the Museo della Comunicazione Mille Voci…Mille Suoni del Comm. Giovanni Pelagalli, Unesco Patrimony of Culture private museum with an extraordinary collection, about Guglielmo Marconi, Lumière, Edison, Meucci, Ducati… unique in the world. Light lunch.

Nov 13: Concert by Israeli pianist Zami Ravid at the Fondazione Istituto Liszt in Bologna.


Extra: Fine gourmet occaions.

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