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v. 30/06/2018



NOTE »Registration and all Sessions are located at the Museu José Malhoa; recitals, concerts and most activities are held at this museum or at the surrounding park, unless otherwise stated.





Pre-congress guided tours:

10:30h  Museu Nacional da Música (Address: R. João de Freitas Branco 12, Lisboa)

14:00h  Museu Nacional dos Coches (Address: Av. da Índia 136, Lisboa)




Caldas da Rainha, Centro Cultural e Congressos

10:30h  Visita guiada ao Centro Cultural e Congressos (Morada: Rua Doutor Leonel Souto Mayor, 23D) com a Exposição ‘World Press Cartoon 2018’, Concurso Internacional, com 227 publicações representadas de 54 países (visita oferecida pela Câmara Municipal de Caldas da Rainha) | Guided visit to the Cultural and Congress Centre (Address: Rua Doutor Leonel Souto Mayor, 23D) with the international Exhibition ‘World Press Cartoon 2018’, with 227 publications represented from 54 countries (visit offered by the Municipality of Caldas da Rainha)


Museu José Malhoa, claustro | cloister

14:00h – 18:00h  Registo e informação | Registration and information


Parque D. Carlos, Esplanada

14:00h  Oficina de construção de flautas de bambú | Workshop on bambu flute construction

Luís Vale (Portugal) [em português e inglês | in Portuguese and English]

Museu José Malhoa

15:00h  Visita guiada ao Museu José Malhoa (oferecida pelo Museu)  | Guided tour to the Museum José Malhoa (offered by the Museum)

Museu José Malhoa, Sala do Grupo do Leão

16:00h  Demonstração sobre impressão 3D de bocais para instrumentos de sopro de metal | Brass Instrument mouthpieces and digital technology: 'Putting control back into the hands of the musician'

Peter Holmes (UK)

Parque D. Carlos

17:00h  Oficina de construção de flautas de bambú | Workshop on bambu flute construction

Jörg Fiedler [em português, inglês e alemão | in Portuguese, English and German] (kit-materials kindly offered by GEFAM)

19:30h  [concert] Banda da Alvorninha




Museu José Malhoa

09:00h Registo e informação | Registration and information

Sessão I | Session 1
Coordenação | Chair: Patrícia Bastos

Sala do Grupo do Leão

09:10h  Boas-vindas e informação| Welcome to participants and general information

09:20h  A representação iconográfica instrumental no Museu José Malhoa e no Museu da Cerâmica em Caldas da Rainha | Musical instruments iconographic representation at the Museum José Malhoa and the Ceramics Museum in Caldas da Rainha

Carlos Coutinho (Portugal), Director of the Museu José Malhoa

09:45h  Beyond the broad coast horizon: diversity and transversality in the scientific and cultural project of ANIMUSIC

Patrícia Bastos (Portugal)

10:15h  What is a note, then?

Jörg Fiedler (Deutschland / Helvetia) & Keziah Milligan (UK) & Nick Bailey (UK)


Claustro | cloister

10:45h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão II | Session 2
Foco-ISM | Brass Focus
Coordenação | Chair: Murray Campbell

Sala do Grupo do Leão

11:15h  The cornet and cornopean considered through the study of a mid-nineteenth-century Scottish manuscript

Alexander McGrattan (UK)

11:45h  Is it possible to build a compensating brass instrument without adding more loops on the valves?

Bruno Kampmann (France)

12:15h  Ascertaining the playing properties of unplayable brass instruments

Robert Pyle (USA) & Arnold Myers (UK)


Parque D. Carlos | Park D. Carlos

12:45h  almoço ligeiro | smart lunch


Sessão III | Session 3
Coordenação | Chair: Rick Wilson

Sala do Grupo do Leão

13:45h  Accessibility to music heritage field recording collections: rights of communities of origin and descendants of artists?

Diane Thram (USA / South Africa)

14:15h  The Roman keyed tuba: Breaking out from the harmonic series

Peter Holmes (UK)



Museu José Malhoa - entrance

14:50h  Partida em grupo para as visitas guiadas ao Museu da Cerâmica e ao Centro de Artes das Caldas da Rainha (oferecidas pelas instituições) | Group departure for the guided visits to the Ceramics Museum and the Arts Centre of Caldas da Rainha (offered by the institutions)

18:00h  [recital] Three instruments throughout the 19th century

Gilbert Camí Farràs, natural horn, piston horn, Waldhorn (Catalunya / Portugal) & Filipa Cardoso, piano (Portugal)


Parque D. Carlos, Restaurante Raízes

19:30h  Jantar de convívio | Diner-banquet




Sessão IV | Session 4
Foco-ISM | Brass Focus
Coordenação | Chair: Jeffrey Nussbaum

Sala do Grupo do Leão

09:00h  The acoustical basis of cornett fingering patterns

Murray Campbell (UK) & Arnold Myers (UK)

09:30h  Cornets for the many - European imitations of American cornet models, and dealing in cornets at the turn of the twentieth century

Sabine Klaus (Deutschland / USA)

10:00h  Innovation in brass instruments making in Italy: patents and inventions from 1800 to our time

Francesco Carreras (Italia)


Claustro | cloister

10:30h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão V | Session 5
Coordenação | Chair: Nick Bailey

Sala do Grupo do Leão

11:00h  Thirteen ways of looking at ‘Six Microtonal Sufi Songs’

Graham Hair (Australia / UK)

11:30h  Descriptive and comparative approach of rebabs of North Africa and Middle East

Mohamed Khalifa (al-Jumhūrīya at-Tūnisīya / France)

12:00h  [lecture-demonstration] Romanian folk double flutes – instruments explaining modal musical thinking

Ovidiu Papana (România)


Parque D. Carlos | Park D. Carlos

12:40h  almoço ligeiro | smart lunch


Sessão VI | Session 6
Coordenação | Chair: Douglas MacMillan

Sala do Grupo do Leão

14:00h  Maelzel’s mechanical progeny: automaton trumpeters, clockwork metronomes, and the modern-age musician

Alexander Bonus (USA)

14:30h  Community practice-based instruments and their creation for musical and social interaction

Mariana Miguel , Helena Rodrigues, Paulo MariaRodrigues (Portugal)

Parque D. Carlos | Park D. Carlos

14:50h  [workshop] Inner gardens and community practice

Mariana Miguel (Portugal)


15:45h  Partida da entrada do Museu para a visita guiada à Casa-Museu San Rafael e famosas cerâmicas das Caldas (visita oferecida pela ANIMUSIC, com reserva obrigatória)  | Departure from the Museum Jose Malhoa to the guided visit to the Museum of San Rafael, home to the world famous ceramics of Caldas (visit offered by ANIMUSIC, booking is compulsory for this museum)


[Jantar livre | Diner at leisure]



21:00h  [concert] Crossing vocal frontiers

Graham Hair, maestro & Scottish Voices [Dorcas Owen, mezzo-soprano & Frances Morrison-Allen, soprano & Grace Wain, mezzo-soprano & & Lucy Anderson, soprano & Lynn Bellamy, mezzo-soprano] & Anne Robertson, piano (UK)




Sessão VII | Session 7
Foco-ISM | Brass Focus
Coordenação | Chair: Arnold Myers

Sala do Grupo do Leão

09:00h  The keyed trumpet in Italian music (1824-1846)

Robert Warren Apple (USA)

09:30h  Paris Conservatoire contest pieces for sight-reading. Brass Instruments, 1836– 1930.

Benny Sluchin & Philippe Brandeis (France)

10:00h  Trills for trombone: the case against the alto trombone in the solo literature of the 18th century

Howard Weiner (Deutschland)


Claustro | cloister

10:30h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão VIII | Session 8
Coordenação | Chair: Diane Thram

Sala do Grupo do Leão

11:00h  The small flute concerto in early eighteenth-century London

Douglas MacMillan (UK)

11:30h  Adolphe Sax Aida’s trumpets

Thierry Maniguet (France)

12:00h  [lecture-demonstration] 19th century modified simple system and hybrid flutes

Rick Wilson (USA)


Parque D. Carlos | Park D. Carlos

12:40h  almoço ligeiro | smart lunch


Sessão IX | Session 9
Coordenação | Chair: Jörg Fiedler

Sala do Grupo do Leão

13:30h  The Tamborileiro Flute in Portuguese traditional music: the civilizational resource as a means and strategy of social and cultural development

Rosário Santana (Portugal) & Helena Santana (Portugal)

14:00h  The alphorn – a Swiss herdsman’s instrument?

Adrian v. Steiger (Helvetia)

14:30h  [lecture-demonstration] Bold as Bronze’ . An examination of the Bronze and Iron Age horns and trumpets of Ireland and Britain in the first millennium BC.

Simon O’Dwyer (Eire)


15:15h  Partida da entrada do Parque D. Carlos, em frente aos campos de ténis, para Óbidos, de autocarro (reservado e oferecido pela ANIMUSIC) | Departure to the old fortified "Vila de Óbidos"; the bus to take us there is parked near the Park D. Carlos gate in front of the hotel, after the tennis courts, to the left of the Museum when going out, through the alley (bus hired and offered by ANIMUSIC)

16:45h  Regresso a Caldas da Rainha | Return to Caldas da Rainha


[Jantar livre | Early diner at leisure]


Atlantic sunset

18:00h  Partida da entrada do Parque D. Carlos, em frente aos campos de ténis, para Foz do Arelho de autocarro (reservado e oferecido pela ANIMUSIC) | Departure from the Park D. Carlos, near the tennis courts, to Foz do Arelho by bus (hired and offered by ANIMUSIC)

Musical and poetic moments at the seaside – facing the Atlantic ocean’s horizon, where the sun sets. Wine and snacks are offered to the participants by ANIMUSICs’s benefactor Dr Ing Giulio Salvadori.

Artists: Maria and Simon O’Dwyer (Eire), Kathabela and Rick Wilson (USA), Mariko Kitakubo (Nipon), Jörg Fiedler, Douglas MacMillan, Scottish Voices, Duo Chakam, etc…

~21:30h  Regresso a Caldas da Rainha após o pôr-do-sol | Return to Caldas da Rainha, after the sunset, by bus (hired and offered by ANIMUSIC)




Sessão X | Session 10
Foco-ISM | Brass Focus
Coordenação | Chair: Peter Holmes

Sala do Grupo do Leão

09:00h  The arguèdène tradition in Southern Belgium: an entertainment practice at the crossroads of brass band, dance and folk music traditions

Géry Dumoulin (Belgium)

09:30h  Portuguese sounding blares from Liberalism to the advent of the Republic: Brass instruments construction in nineteenth-century Lisbon (1834-1890)

Rui Magno Pinto (Portugal)

10:00h  Modeling Brass instrument resonances

Kurt Hoffman & Borling, Shanti & Maher, Jeffrey (USA)


Claustro | cloister

10:30h  pausa para café | coffee break


Sessão XI | Session 11
Coordenação | Chair: Jean Louchet

Sala do Grupo do Leão

11:00h  Music of Iran through the târ lute and the tombak drum

Sogol Mirzaei & Saghar Khadem (Iran / France)

11:30h  Bell and "Bellness" in Russian classical music: interpretations of M. Mussorgsky and S. Rachmaninov

Angelina Alpatova & Vladimir Lisovoi (Russia)

12:00h  [lecture-recital] The Guitar in Spain:  Musical reflections of a turbulent history

Jose Lezcano (USA)


Parque D. Carlos | Park D. Carlos

12:40h  almoço ligeiro | smart lunch


Sessão XII | Session 12
Coordenação | Chair: Giulio Salvadori

Sala do Grupo do Leão

13:30h  Victor-Charles Mahillon’s way towards the making of “systemic” historical instruments, especially the Bach trumpet

Ignace De Keyser (Belgium)

14:00h  Using extant lutes as a source in reconstructing the Ottoman ‘Kopuz’

Emin Soydas (Türkiye)



15:00h  [recital]  ‘Yâd-e Mahtâbi’ - Persian music by the Chakam Duo

Sogol Mirzaei & Saghar Khadem

15:30h  Cocktail de despedida – encerramento do CO2018 | Farewell cocktail – closing of the OC2018




ANIMUSIC-Project Erdissol

Trabalho de investigação de grupo sobre questões relacionadas com herança cultural, património e organologia, resumindo os resultados obtidos nos congressos de organologia com uma perspectiva de acções futuras a realizar pela ANIMUSIC. | Group research meeting on questions related to cultural heritage and organology, reflecting on the work results from the Organological Congresses and the realization of future projects


Julho | July 2018

Museu José Malhoa, Sala Multimédia

ENCONTROIM – Exhibition of musical instruments

Video: The genius Marconi (1874-1937) – Homage to the Man who “gave voice to the air”, the founder of wireless, through the collection of Comm. Giovanni Pelagalli, Museo della Comunicazione e del Multimediale G Pelagalli «Mille voci… mille suoni» in Bologna, Patrimonio UNESCO della Cultura  []


Nota: o Congresso de Organologia e actividades anexas são gravadas e guardadas em arquivo como referência. / Note: the Organological Congress and complementary events are recorded for archival reference.

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