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7º Encontro Científico Internacional para o Estudo sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais 
7th International Scientific Meeting for the Study of Sound and Musical Instruments
4 - 7 Julho | July 2018

diversity and transversality in cultural heritage

local | host: Museu José Malhoa
em | in: Caldas da Rainha
at the west coast of Portugal

Pre-congress: 2 & 3 Julho | July

Exhibition of Musical Instruments



Directed by Dr Arnold Myers

Partner: Historic Brass Society

 click here »

© ODstudio-ANIMUSIC / Imagem da costa de Peniche, PBastos



In ANIMUSIC's international conferences, bridging in such a special way the spheres of Science and Art, participation from all subject areas is very welcome, this being an open community which is interested in research that deals, in any way, with sound and musical instruments. We look for relevant work and creative output, for practical demonstrations and performance, for workshops and exhibitions, proposing a space and time for positive exchange and discussions. Following the European Year 2018, and inspired by the wonderful coast of Portugal near our host, the Museum Jose Malhoa, located in Caldas da Rainha, the general theme of this congress appeals to considerations on the differences and the similarities of the various “coasts”, regions, creeds, customs, human and natural creations…, considering the links and transversality from and of knowledge and praxis: «Beyond the broad coast horizon - diversity and transversality in cultural heritage». 

ANIMUSIC's Organological Congresses avoid parallel sessions and promote interdisciplinary involvement, purposely mixing the various areas of research (except on particular Sessions dedicated to the Focus, this year being brass instruments) – consequently, there is a limited number of accepted proposals in order to stimulate close contacts between the community and personal involvement in the supported activities, intermingling participants from all over the world. The location and date of the congresses are changed every year in order to promote visits to diversified places of cultural importance and new experiences in this amazing Portugal.

We invite you to have a look at the previous year’s programs:




More information may be obtained by hovering, or clicking on the images:


Propostas prioritárias (comunicações ou outras) | Priority Call for Papers or Proposals

data limite de submissão deadline for proposals


Comunicação de aceitação | Communication of Acceptance

Caso a resposta do Conselho Científico não tenha sido recebida, por favor contactar-nos para o endereço electrónico abaixo:


Communication of acceptance by the Scientific Committee must have been received by this date, otherwise please contact the organization:


Data limite para inscrição prévia com desconto | Early-bird registration deadline


Propostas para Exposição, recitais e concertos até esta data | Participation at the Exhibition, recitals, concert or other proposals are welcome preferably until this date


Actividades pré-Congresso | Pre-congress activities 


Congresso de Organologia | Organological Congress 




Data limite para propostas prioritárias (comunicações ou outras) | Priority Call for Papers or other proposals - see below dates for 2nd Call for Papers


Comunicação de aceitação para Chamada Prioritária | Communication of Acceptance for the Priority CfP

Caso a resposta do Conselho Científico não tenha sido recebida, por favor contactar-nos para o endereço electrónico abaixo:


Communication of acceptance by the Scientific Committee must have been received by this date, otherwise please contact the organization:


Data limite para submissão de propostas de comunicações | 2nd Call for Papers deadline

Para outras propostas por favor vide abaixo | For other proposals please see below


Comunicação de aceitação da 2ª Chamada | Communication of Acceptance for the 2nd CfP

Caso a resposta do Conselho Científico não tenha sido recebida, por favor contactar-nos para o endereço electrónico abaixo:


Communication of acceptance by the Scientific Committee must have been received by this date, otherwise please contact the organization:


Data limite para inscrição prévia com desconto | Early-bird registration deadline


Propostas para Exposição, recitais e concertos até esta data | Participation at the Exhibition, recitals, concert or other proposals are welcome preferably until this date


Actividades pré-Congresso | Pre-congress activities 


Congresso de Organologia | Organological Congress 


Actividades pós-Congresso | Post-congress activities 




Given our extraordinary research area, we are very fortunate to be able to encourage practical demonstrations - we are indeed honoured and thankful to the generous offers of workshops, recitals, concerts and impromptus by the great scientists and artists who have so much contributed to the natural involvement of our “always unique” meetings.


ANIMUSIC gratefully acknowledges the CO2018OC gracious hosts, the Museu José Malhoa and the Direcção Regional de Cultura do Centro, the supporting institutions and people in Caldas da Rainha (Banda da Alvorninha for the offer of their concert in the park, Câmara Municipal das Caldas da Rainha for the gracious guided visits to the CCC and the arts centre, União das Juntas de Freguesia das Caldas da Rainha, Nossa Senhora do Pópulo, Coto, e São Gregório for permission to use the Park, Centro de Artes das Caldas da Rainha for offering and preparing our visit, Museu da Cerâmica for offering and preparing our visit, Casa-Museu San Rafael for preparing our visit, Junta de Freguesia de Foz do Arelho and Capitania for allowing the use of the beach for the 'Atlantic sunset', Garrafeira Bago de Ouro for serving the wine in Foz do Arelho), as well as Dr Arnold Myers, as the Director of the Brass-Focus and the Historic Brass Society, besides all our partners and individual assistants, and most especially the generous financial contributions from Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, a help that allows this conference to happen, since we have reduced registration fees that do not cover each participant's cost for us - a policy that we have chosen in order to help as much as possible those coming without funding. Furthermore, Dr Eng Giulio Salvadori has offered two Student Grants, and ANIMUSIC has offered two "Friends of ANIMUSIC" grants, for those who have intensely contributed along the years to the success of these congresses, being fully dedicated, all their lives, to the communication of the cultural and scientific importance of musical instruments.



We invite all who are interested in the marvels of Sound and Musical Instruments to gather in a very special place, an art museum, Museu José Malhoa, inserted in the fabulous central park of Caldas da Rainha, dense with a diversity of plants and a relaxing wide lake.

The headquarters of the Organological Congress 2018 is in this beautiful museum, which holds an intimate oval-shaped Auditorium with a grand piano, where the large scale paintings of the great master José Malhoa (1855-1933) involve the public. The open air environment is particularly appropriate for outdoor activities and concerts - namely by participants from our Brass-Focus.

Caldas da Rainha (meaning “The Queen’s hot springs”) is an old small town in the central west coast of Portugal, about one hour north of Lisbon. It was a favourite location chosen by Queen D. Leonor (15th century), wife of King D. João II (the 2nd), for its thermal properties, having ordered the construction of a hospital. Moreover, it is the city of the “ceramics of Caldas”, colourful and unique, especially those by Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro (1846-1905), a genius humorist artist, who perplexed the society of the time with a profusion of caricatures and satires. We plan to include visits to the Ceramics Museum and other places of interest.


Caldas da Rainha is close to the Atlantic Ocean coast, namely to the city of Peniche (from where the front page image is taken) and the splendid scenery of Foz do Arelho (meaning mouth of the river Arelho). One can find cultural sites nearby, notably Unesco World Heritage such as the fortified city of Obidos and the Convent of Mafra. Being rather close to Lisboa is an advantage for traveling. The Lisbon Airport is now among the busiest in Europe, similar to Heathrow or Charles de Gaulle, so we suggest you plan your trip as well in advance as possible, extending your stay for the participation at the congress of a few days to visit the region, if you have the time, namely the Templar’s Castle in Tomar and the extraordinary Monastery of Batalha.


Information regarding the location, transportation and lodging may be checked at this link.

The program schedule will be published in the next weeks.


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