Congresso de Organologia 2018 Organological Congress
Propostas - CfP - Proposals
Offers of full-length paper presentations of 20 minutes (15mn lecture + 5mn for discussion) are invited, as well as proposals for panels (one hour), demonstrations, workshops, videos, lecture-recitals (30 to 40 minutes), recitals and concerts (may be less than one hour, and one and a half hour maximum). It will not be possible to mount posters at this Congress 2018; for overview contributions of 10 minutes there will be a Brief-Session, welcoming discussion during leisure periods. Participants may propose more than one, and different types, of presentation. It is intended that there will be no parallel sessions.
All participants, namely inventors, artists, makers and collectors, have the possibility to show a selection of their creations, musical instruments or designs at the Exhibition. The ENCONTROIM is a special showcase offered by ANIMUSIC and the hosts, with no charge (the access is open and free to the general public). There is also a specific display area for books, scores, and other items, available during the conference days. Papers and other proposals should be delivered in person at the Congress by the author (or one of several named authors).
The language of the abstracts will be English. Presentations may be given in English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish or French, but if given in a language other than English should be accompanied by slides (PowerPoint) in English. We facilitate direct translation from other languages if necessary and possible - please contact the organization if you need help.
Abstracts of papers (300 words maximum for full-length papers and panels, 150 words maximum for brief contributions), or other proposals, and a biography (about 100 words) are invited, to be submitted by 30th April 2018 (papers) or the 31st May (Exhibition, recitals, etc). Submissions will be considered by the Scientific Committee, which includes representatives of ANIMUSIC and of the Historic Brass Society. It will not be necessary to submit the full text of papers, but suitable contributions may qualify for publication in the ANIMUSIC series publication Liranimus or in the Historic Brass Society Journal at the discretion of the respective editors and subject to the normal acceptance procedures (both are fully refereed). To check the various dates for proposals (not available on mobile): click here »
The results shall be communicated individually at least by the 10th of May – if paper proposals have not had an answer by then, please contact the organization.
For proposals or questions, please contact: