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6º Encontro Científico Internacional para Estudos sobre Som e Instrumentos Musicais
6th International Scientific Meeting for Sound and Musical Instrument Studies
Porto, Portugal
v. 21/8/2017


Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro

14:00h-17:00h  [workshop] Oficina de construção de instrumentos em bambu | Workshop on making musical instruments with bamboo

Luís Vale (Portugal)


Fundação Guerra Junqueiro

15:00h-17:20h  Registo e informação | Registration and information

Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro

16:00h-17:00h  [workshop] Curso sobre como tocar a ocarina de Budrio | Workshop on playing the Budrio ocarina

Fabio Galliani (Italia)



Fundação Guerra Junqueiro

09:00h Registo e informação | Registration and information

Sessão I | Session 1
Coordenação | Chair: Patrícia Bastos

09:30h  Introdução e boas-vindas | Welcome to participants

09:50h  Historical ways of the ancient Russian signal idiophones ‘bilo’ and ‘barabanka’

Angelina Alpatova & Vladimir Lisovoi (Russia)

10:10h  Female violinists in eighteenth-century France: what opportunities?

Imyra Santana (Brasil / France)

10:30h  [lecture-recital] Circular breathing with or without aerophor. “In tribute to William Waterhouse”

Alain Girard (Helvetia)

11:10h  pausa para café | coffee break

Sessão II | Session 2
Coordenação | Chair: Nick Bailey

11:40h  Novel instruments for the romantic brass ensemble

Arnold Myers (UK)

12:00h  Porcelain and crystal gamelan

Mariana Miguel, Helena RodriguesPaulo MariaRodrigues (Portugal)

12:20h  Tactile keyboard key

Alasdair Robertson (UK) & Andrew Fyfe (UK)

12:40h  [lecture-demonstration]  Reconstruction of the ‘roscrea/lynn cerrig bach’ trumpas (Part 2 – Completion from ANIMUSIC OC2016)

Simon O’Dwyer - Ancient Music Ireland (Eire)

13:00h  almoço ligeiro | smart lunch (included in the registration fee)

Sessão III | Session 3
Coordenação | Chair: Douglas MacMillan

14:00h  Two Ladies in Paris ‘à l’ombre du Roi Soleil’: Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665-1729) and Antonia Bembo (1643-1720)

Annarosa Vannoni & Maria Elena Ceccarelli (Italia)

14:20h  Mind the gap - a new parameter in recorder making?

Naomi Nordblom (Germany/USA)

14:40h  The Stearns Collection

Lester Monts (USA)

15:00h  [lecture-recital] The 10 holes Ocarina: short history of the easiest (?) to play wind instrument in the world

Fabio Galliani (Italia)

15:40h  pausa para café | coffee break

Casa-Museu Guerra Junqueiro

16:00h  [recital] The ancient and us

Simon O’Dwyer, horn & Maria O’Dwyer, horn, percussion (Eire)

16:30h  [recital] Windways – Poetic transformations in the garden

Kathabela Wilson, poetress, percussion & Rick Wilson, shakuhachi, ancient Native American flute, Persian ney (USA)


17:00h  Visits to historical monuments and organs

Palácio da Bolsa – Restaurante ‘O Comercial’

19:30h  Jantar-banquete | Banquet-dinner



Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão
Sessão IV | Session 4

09:00h-11:00h  ENCONTROIM-Exhibition

09:15h  A passion for the musicality of the bamboo

Luís Vale (Portugal)

09:45h   Community Orchestra World in Campanhã (OCMC) – an integrative educacional project

Ricardo Ferreira & Hernâni Pessoa (Portugal)

10:15h  [poster-presentation] Developing the e-recorder

Cesar Villavicencio (Brasil)

10:30h  [poster-presentation] Music in the interpretation of scientific data: an experience aimed to evaluate racehorse gait, spacing from spectral music to microtonality

Filippo Racioppi (Italia) & Domenico Bergero (Italia) & Joana Nery (Portugal)

refrescos | refreshments

Sessão V | Session 5
Coordenação | Chair: Arnold Myers

11:00h  Historical organs of the Lodi diocese

Mario Genesi (Italia)

11:20h Salvini’s Singing Methode and his Machine Melographique

Tânia Valente (Portugal)

11:40h  Beyond instrumental limits: reconsidering the metal contrabass clarinet

Brice Tissier (France)

12:00h  [lecture-demonstration] 3D-modeling and 3D-printing applied to musical research, reconstruction of historical instruments and development of new musical instruments

Ricardo Simian (Chile / Helvetia)


12:30h  almoço livre | lunch at leisure (not included in the registration fee)


13:30h  Visits to historical monuments and organs

Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão

15:00h refrescos | refreshments

[recital] A musical offer by the Community Project OCMC

Ricardo Ferreira, dir & Belinha Maia & Eduardo Coelho & Emília Lobão & Fernando Coelho & Rita Nóbrega & Valter Saraiva & Vitor Parati (Portugal)

Sessão VI | Session 6
Coordenação | Chair: Michael Lynn

15:30h  [video & lecture] Vai Tombo’: Music and Dance in Liberia

Lester Monts (USA)

16:10h  The organological collective flutes cycle in the Andes

José Perez de Arce (Chile)

16:40h  Body Music -  Japanese 'Bunraku' revisited ( VisuoSonic )

Maurice Owen & Russell Richards (UK)

17:10h  [wireless lecture & dialogue (with Skype)] Sustainability and a Sound Ecology

Jeff Todd Titon (in direct transmission from the USA)

Conservatório de Música do Porto

18:30h  [recital] À la court du roi Soleil

Maria Elenna Ceccarelli, cembalo (Italia)

[entrada livre | entrance free]


19:30h  jantar de grupo | group dinner


Conservatório de Música do Porto
Auditorium / Wood-room

21:00h  [concert]

Toccate & Versetti – Organ music by Giacomo Carissimi (Marino [Roma], 1606-Roma, 1674)

[In Memoriam Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini (1929-2017)]

Mario Genesi, organ (Italia)


Body Music - Bunraku revisited

Maurice Owen & Russell Richards (UK)

[Note: for health and safety precaution, we must inform that this performance uses flashing images; please avoid attendance if you are susceptible to such effects. The artists and organization are not to be held responsible for any inconvenience.]

[entrada livre | entrance free]


Fundação Guerra Junqueiro
Sessão VII | Session 7
Coordenação | Chair: Jean Louchet

09:00h  Social and technological factors influencing the redesign of the ‘Ondes Martenot’

Dorien Schampaert (Belgie / UK)

09:20h  In search of a Bach oboe

Stefaan Verdegem (Belgie)

09:40h Singing voice appreciation rating scale: psychometric characteristics

Tânia Valente – (Portugal)

10:00h  EAVOCZ - Re-creating Padre Antonio Soler’s instrumentarium (1729-1783): a historical and descriptive viewpoint

Xavier Menendez-Zarroca (Catalunya – España)

10:20h  [lecture-demonstration] The Karnyx: a view through ancient and modern eyes

Peter Holmes (UK)

11:00h  pausa para café | coffee break

Sessão VIII | Session 8
Coordenação | Chair: Jörg Fiedler

11:30h  The old new techniques of the recorder

Paula Andrade Callegari (Brasil)

11:50h  Organological aspects of the recorder and their connection with the interpretation of the music repertoire

Karina Bimbatti (Brasil)

12:10h  The transterritoriality of the recorder consort

Cesar Villavicencio (Brasil)

12:30h  [panel discussion] Organology and the transterritoriality of the recorder

Cesar Villavicencio & Douglas MacMillan & Isobel Clarke & Jörg Fiedler & Michael Lynn & Paula Callegari


13:00h almoço ligeiro | smart lunch (included in the registration fee)

Sessão IX | Session 9
Coordenação | Chair: José Perez de Arce

14:00h  Using onset-detection/pitch-tracking of my 19-EDO “Sufi Fragments” to help understand the extent and limits of microtonal singing

Graham Hair (Australia / UK)

14:20h  Sharing is caring: Who does copyright protect?

Keziah Milligan (UK) & Nick Bailey (UK)

14:40  [round-table] Changing models for publication - curse or blessing?

Jörg Fiedler, dir & Alícia Morales Hermoso & Angelina Alpatova & Annarosa Vannoni & Áurea Domínguez & Daniel Domingues & Giovanni Battista Graziadio & Giulio Salvadori & Liane Ehlich (Helvetia) & Rafel Mitjans Berga & Teresa Soler Llobet & Vladimir Lisovoi

15:40h  pausa para café | coffee break

Maker’s Lab – 1

16:00h  [project] Fagottini and tenoroons - small, forgotten giants:exploring the eighteenth- and nineteenth- century history, repertoire and usage of small-scale bassoons in performance and pedagogy

Giovanni Battista Graziadio (Italia / Helvetia) & Áurea Domínguez ( UK / España / Helvetia)


17:00h  Visits to historical monuments and organs

Conservatório de Música do Porto

18:30h  [concert] Voulez-vous danser? Chamber music from France

João Paulo Janeiro, cembalo (Portugal) & Jörg Fiedler, baroque flute & Michael Lynn, baroque flute (USA)

[entrada livre | entrance free]

19:30h  jantar de grupo | group dinner

Conservatório de Música do Porto

21:00h  [concert] Re-imagining Bel-Canto for the twenty-first century

Graham Hair, dir & Scottish Voices [Dorcas Owen, mezzo-soprano & Frances Morrison-Allen, soprano & Julia Daramy-Williams, soprano & Lea Shaw, mezzo-soprano] & Anne Robertson, piano (UK)

[entrada livre | entrance free] 


Fundação Guerra Junqueiro
Education Focus
Maker’s Lab – 2

09:00h  [workshop] A homemade flute for the musical start

Jörg Fiedler (Deutschland / Helvetia)

Sessão X | Session 10
Coordenação | Chair: Diane Thram

10:00h  Pianoscópio

Mariana Miguel - CMT (Portugal)

10:20h  A ‘new’ life for an old instrument? Reflexions on the project «El flabiol a les escoles de Mataró» (The flabiol at the schools of Mataró)

Alícia Morales Hermoso & Rafel Mitjans Berga & Teresa Soler Llobet (Catalunya – España)

10:40h 'Modern fingering' in Thomas Lindsay's Flute Method of 1828-30

Rick Wilson (USA)

11:00h  pausa para café | coffee break


11:20h  Visits to historical monuments and organs

Fundação Guerra Junqueiro

13:00h almoço ligeiro | smart lunch (included in the registration fee)

Sessão XI | Session 11
Coordenação | Chair: Graham Hair

13:40h  Musical organics: a heterarchical approach to digital organology

Thor Magnusson (UK)

14:00h  What we’re talking about when we talk about contemporary music for historical organs

Paolo Cavallo (Italia)

14:20h  Success, sustainability and failures in musical innovations

Eric Sauda (France)

14:40h  [lecture-demonstration] Instrumented spaces: two immersive music theatre performances

Athanasios Polymeneas Liontiris (Elláda / UK)

15:10h  pausa para café | coffee break

Sessão XII | Session 12
Coordenação | Chair: Peter Holmes

15:30h  A musical enigma: the baroque bass recorder and its repertoire

Douglas MacMillan & Isobel Clarke (UK)

15:50h  Online concerts: a new experience of musical performance

Daniel Domingues & Luiza Bittencourt (Brasil)

16:10h  Postcolonial issues and answers: the Hugh Tracey Collection, conflicting motivations and methods of a colonial ‘pioneer’ in the study of African music and implications for heritage sustainability

Diane Thram (South Africa)

16:30h  Sounding the past while listening to the present: Accordion tuners as Auditory Culture Mediators in Texas-Mexican ‘Conjunto’

Cathy Ragland (USA)

16:50h  pausa para café | coffee break

Sessão XIII | Session 13
Coordenação | Chair: Giulio Salvadori
The Riga Project

17:10h  The organs of the Königsberg Master Bruno Goebel (1860–1944): French romantic organ building tradition in Lithuania

Girenas Poviliónis (Lietuvos Respublika)

17:30h  The reconstruction of the organ by Gottfried Klossen (1734) in Riga’s Petri Church

Kristian Wegscheider & Lisa Wegscheider (Deutschland)

ANIMUSIC’s Educational Project

18:20  Understanding sound and musical instruments: educational challenges and proposals

Patrícia Lopes Bastos (Portugal)

18:40h-19:00h  Porto d’Honra oferecido pela ANIMUSIC - conclusão do 6º Congresso de Organologia em Portugal | Farewell ‘Porto d’Honra’ offered by ANIMUSIC - closing of the 6th Organological Congress in Portugal




Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão
Salão de Exposição | Exhibition Hall

09:30h-13:00h  ENCONTROIM Exposição| Exhibition

14:00h-17:00h  ENCONTROIM Exposição| Exhibition


Nota: o Congresso de Organologia é gravado e guardado em arquivo como referência. / Note: the Organological Congress is recorded for archival reference.

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