elected the European Best Destination for 2017
Fundação Guerra Junqueiro

programed visits to:

Sé Catedral | Cathedral
Porto's Cathedral was built during the 12th and 13th centuries, with larger remodeling in the baroque period. We are planning a special visit to this imponent church and its important historical organs. The button below will direct you to the "Rota das Catedrais" (Route of the Cathedrals) project, where you can find complete information, see a film, or wonder in a virtual tour. Historical information is in Portuguese.

Torre dos Clérigos
Torre dos Clérigos is a remarkable elegant baroque tower with its 75 metres high, and helds an important carillon (49 bells). The institution responsible for the preservation and care of the Tower and the Church, also house to a special Museum, is the "Irmandade dos Clérigos". We shall visit and listen to the two Iberian organs here existing.

Museu Romântico
An extraordinary palace and gardens are the home to this particular Museum, which includes musical instruments in its collection. The panoramic view from this site is unique, with the sense of traveling in the open space and in gone eras. Currently the museum is under rehabilitation works, not possible to visit during the conference, but we leave the reference for those who come back to Porto in some months time.
«Also known as Quinta do Sacramento or Quinta da Macieirinha, this country house from the late 18th century, was acquired by the City Council in 1972, to install there the museum. This space aims to recreate the indoor atmospheres of a wealthy house from the 19th century, approaching the aesthetics, the manners and habitudes related to Romanticism, the city from the 19th century, as well as to perpetuate the memory of Carlos Alberto of Savoy, King of Sardinia and Prince of Piedmont. This romantic figure, who the city has welcomed wholeheartedly, came to die in this house, on 28 July 1849, sad, ill and exiled from his motherland.»
Instituições parceiras | Partner institutions
Fundação Maria Isabel Guerra Junqueiro e Luís Mesquita de Carvalho
Câmara Municipal do Porto
Conservatório de Música do Porto
GEFAM Switzerland |Suíça
Gesellschaft der Freunde alter Musikinstrumente
Society of friends of old musical instruments
Société des amis d'instruments anciens de musique