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You may use Porto's or Lisboa's international airports. For updated details on bus or train travel, please check the official websites cited below. Here you find some helpful information:


From Porto, it is probably better to rent a car, the rates, especially when booking from abroad, are quite low (you can have a car for 10€ a day or similar) and it's basically all highway till Belmonte (if avoiding crossing Porto, you have: A4-A24-A25-A23; or crossing Porto: A29 or A1-A25-A23); the roads are very comfortable.


There are two buses that go directly to Belmonte (station called 'Ginjal') from Porto, as per information retrieved in July: 10:00h»13:25h and 18:15h»21:40h. Cost: 15,60€.


From Lisboa it might be easier, since there are more options. It is also good renting a car (A1-A23), all highway, or by public transportation.


Train: from the airport you may take a taxi (5 to 8€)  or the metropolitan, to the Oriente station, which is near the River Tejo (beautiful place to visit if you have time, where the Oceanario is, plus other interesting sites).  There, you go up the stairs or lift, buy if needed your tickets at the tickets counter or machines, and before going to the upper platform you check the line for Covilhã, usually trains are in time. If you pay online with anticipation (5, 8 or more days), you can even have a discount of up to 65%, and if you are senior (above 65 y.o.), it's always 50%. The regular ticket to Covilhã, in the direct speed train, costs (as per July): 17,70€. Arriving in Covilhã, you can take a taxi (not expensive) or a bus to Belmonte (20mn distance), or meet with a group organised by us and the Municipality, on the 19th of September. 


Bus: from the airport you may take a taxi (8€ to 10€)  or the metropolitan, to the Sete-Rios station, which is a large area. There you check the bus to the station near Belmonte called 'Ginjal', of which there are 3 per day (as per July): 09:50h»13:50h; 16:30h»20:36h; 18:45h»22:51h. Cost: 16,60€.



Schedules and more information






If you have special needs, please contact us so that we try to find a solution. We work the best we can to help your experience be perfect and unique.


For a look at the map, and other information, please go to the 'Info' page: link.





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