Previous ANIMUSIC Congresses
Below you find links (click on each image) to the past ANIMUSIC Congresses (called "Organological", showing the focus on Musical Instruments), which, you will notice, have happened always in different locations. We started having specific websites for each Congress in 2016 (with free Wix), having in earlier versions everything in a "library", inserted in the main website whose server was dismantled (hence opting for Wix). A new ANIMUSIC website is being created that will contain all about us, since 2010, at the address you are probably by now familiar with:

11 memorable annual congresses - becoming 12
From the first to the tenth, the congresses were annual (2012-2021); even through the Covid-period lockdown we did not renounce providing a platform for knowledge sharing - a "constructive life" has to proceed.
Growing ANIMUSIC Congresses are now biannual: 2023 and 2025 and future...
We are thankful to Wix, for having made it possible to build these useful websites for free, which allowed us to communicate with the world about our Congresses, and to have hosted them freely for all these years.
Given our extraordinary endless horizon of artistic and scientific actions, we are very fortunate to be able to encourage practical demonstrations. Therefore, we are indeed honoured and thankful to the generous offers of workshops, recitals, concerts and impromptus by the great scientists and artists who have so much contributed to the spectacular involvement that sprouts naturally at our “always unique” meetings.